Trust Wallet - Login

Seamlessly log into Trust Wallet and take control of your digital finances with confidence.

Trust Wallet Login Process

  1. Download and Install Trust Wallet

    Ensure you download Trust Wallet from the official App Store for iOS or Google Play Store for Android.

  2. Open Trust Wallet

    Locate and open the Trust Wallet app on your device.

  3. Create or Import a Wallet

    • To create a new wallet, tap on "Create a new wallet." Agree to the terms and conditions, then securely store your recovery phrase.

    • To import an existing wallet, select "I already have a wallet," choose the blockchain, and enter your recovery phrase or private key.

  4. Set a Passcode

    For additional security, set up a passcode and, if available, enable biometric authentication.

  5. Access Your Wallet

    Once set up or imported, you can access your wallet, manage cryptocurrencies, and use DeFi applications directly within Trust Wallet.

Last updated